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Ekko Monument

Karen Land Hansen (1973-)


    Kunstværket Ekko Monument er skabt af Karen Land Hansen (1973-). Værket kunne for første gang opleves i Aarhus i 2009 i forbindelse med udstillingen Sculpture by the Sea, hvor forskellige kunstnere udstillede værker langs Aarhusbugten. Her blev Karen Land Hansens værk hædret af Statens Kunstfond. Ekko Monument er inspireret af Den Hvide By ved Havet, som bestod af hvide træpavilloner, og som – ligesom Ekko Monument – var på Tangkrogen i forbindelse med Landsudstillingen i 1909. Værket består af en række lette skeletstrukturer, som er skulpturelle modeller af pavillonerne i Den Hvide by ved Havet i størrelsen 1:10 i forhold til de originale bygninger. 

    Ekko Monument fungerer derfor som et mindesmærke for netop denne historiske begivenhed. Om værket siger kunstneren selv: ”De besøgende inviteres ind i værket for at gå under pavillonerne”. Karen Land Hansen blev i 2017 udpeget af et udvalg – Monumentudvalget – med base i Aarhus til at lave en ny og permanent udgave af værket i stål. Arbejdet blev finansieret af Fritse og Jens Meyer og givet til Aarhus Byråd. Værket er lavet af Waldemar Christensen Smedie A/S og blev indviet i 2018.

    English abstract

    The artpiece Ekko Monument was created by Karen Land Hansen (1973-). It was first experienced in Aarhus in 2009 during the exhibition Sculpture by the Sea, where various artists showcased art along the Aarhus Bay. Here, Karen Land Hansen’s artpiece was honored by the Danish Arts Foundation.

    Ekko Monument is inspired by The White City by the Sea, which consisted of wooden pavilions and was located at Tangkrogen during the national exhibition in 1901. The piece consists of a series of lightweight skeletal structures that are sculptural models of the pavilions in "The White City by the Sea," scaled 1/10 of the original buildings.  The Ekko Monument serves as a memorial to this historical event. The artist herself states: "Visitors are invited into the artwork to walk beneath the pavilions." In 2017, Karen Land Hansen was commissioned by a committee based in Aarhus, the Monument Committee, to create a new permanent version of the work in steel.

    The project was funded by Fritse and Jens Meyer and was given to the Aarhus City Council. The structure was made at the workshop of Waldemar Christensen. Finally, the piece was presented in 2018.

    Sidst opdateret: 22. november 2024